AfPA’s National Council of Physician Legislators is a physician-led nonpartisan forum to promote interstate communication between physicians serving in our state legislatures. With the escalating nexus between government policy and the practice of medicine, the role of the physician-legislator is more significant than ever. With respect to health care issues, physicians serving as elected officials are often in a unique position to shape policy.
Sponsored by the Alliance for Patient Access, the NCPL facilitates the exchange of ideas and policies on issues impacting the practice of medicine. The members currently consist of 57 physician-legislators representing 26 states.
The National Council of Physician Legislators facilitates communication among the physician legislators through the following activities:
- Distribution of a membership directory, to facilitate easy connection with peers working on similar issues
- Newsletters, highlighting individual member’s work on health care legislation | View Latest Newsletter
- Quarterly issue briefs on current legislation | View Latest Issue Brief
- Informal breakfasts in conjunction with national meetings, including at the National Conference of State Legislatures and the Council of State Governments
Joining the National Council of Physician Legislators
All physicians serving in state legislatures are invited to join the National Council of Physician Legislators. There are no membership dues. To join or inquire more, please contact the facilitator of the National Council of Physician Legislators, Rob Szalay. Rob can be reached at 515-954-9745 or via email at