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Has Medicare Part D Reform Finally Arrived?

For as long as the Medicare Part D prescription drug plan has existed, beneficiaries have struggled with out-of-pocket costs. Now, movement on Capitol Hill suggests this may finally be the year for reform.  

State Legislatures Explore How to Measure a Drug’s Value

What is a vaccine, a cure or a life-altering medication worth? As more state legislatures across the country explore this very question, their answers – and their methods – may not sync with their constituents’ values. 

Hidden Co-Pay Programs Blindside Patients

Just as states started banning abusive co-pay accumulator programs, insurers have found a work-around that once again could put patients at a disadvantage when it comes to out-of-pocket prescription drug costs.

The Urgent Need to Address Urology Health

The shortage of nursing assistants is having dire consequences for older adults. Millions of patients are going without the support they need to prepare meals, organize medications and run errands. They also may be lacking support to get safely to the bathroom or change undergarments and bedding during times of incontinence.