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How Biologics Transformed Care for MS Patients

For 20 years there wasn’t a single medication I could prescribe to help my patients overcome multiple sclerosis, a disease that gradually robbed them of their strength, vision, coordination, and also memory and thinking abilities.

The Harm in Prioritizing Policy Over Patients

The term “nursing home” conjures up different images for different people. Some people picture active older adults playing bridge and doing water aerobics. Others have visions of wheelchair-bound, elderly who have more severe challenges.

Finding the Right Approach to Pain Management

When doctors like myself have the freedom to prescribe effective, FDA-approved treatments to their patients, everyone wins. But deciding the right type, dose and duration of pain medications can be challenging.

Comments on ICER’s Scoping Document for Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Therapy

An efficacious treatment that reduces the symptoms and risk factors associated with obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy delivers great value to patients. Analyses that fail to consider all of the potential benefits, particularly the quality-of-life and productivity benefits, will undervalue this drug. Read the Letter