Addressing the Maternal Health Crisis: A Nationwide Call to Action

Why do pregnant women die in childbirth more often in the United States than in other developed countries? The answer is complex.
Raising the Profile of Rare Diseases

The rare disease community is finally getting a voice in state policy discussions thanks to a rapidly expanding movement.
An Unhappy New Year for Asthma Patients

Health economists have put a damper on asthma patients’ hopes for better disease management in 2022.
National Policy & Advocacy Summit on Biologics

The sixth annual National Policy & Advocacy Summit on Biologics brought together healthcare providers, policy experts, patient advocates and other stakeholders. The event exploredhow sound public policies can facilitate the expanded use of biologics in patient-centeredcare. This year’s event, held virtually, examined issues such as: Innovation and rare disease Current federal and state policy considerations […]
2021 in Review: Five Policy Issues Affecting Patient Access
For the second year in a row, COVID-19 dominated health care headlines, but it wasn’t the only topic that sparked debate. Here’s a look back at five issues that shaped health policy in 2021.
Staying Heart Healthy Helps Everyone

The pandemic pushed the nation’s health care system to the brink. Hospitals even turned patients away during surges. It’s a terrible scenario. And it should be a wake-up call.
Mental Health Advocates Renew Calls for Patient Protections

For many mental health patients, successfully managing their condition would be much simpler if they had uninterrupted access to the medication their provider prescribed for them.
Focusing on a Rare Threat for Transplant Patients

For many patients, an organ transplant is a beacon of hope; a kidney or bone marrow transplant can be lifesaving. Sometimes, though, these very procedures introduce new, often deadly threats to their health.
Federal Officials Weigh In on Infant Tubing Saga

More than four years after concerns were raised about certain hospital tubing devices, the Food and Drug Administration finally acknowledged their potential danger to infants.
Congress Finally Treats Obesity Like the Epidemic It Is
Almost a decade after obesity was formally classified a disease, coverage policies still disregard the impact of the complex chronic disease. But that could soon change.