How Should Telehealth be Used Post Pandemic?

What role will telehealth play in a post-COVID world? Patients, health care providers and policymakers are discovering that the question is both complex and critical.
Hidden Co-Pay Programs Blindside Patients

Just as states started banning abusive co-pay accumulator programs, insurers have found a work-around that once again could put patients at a disadvantage when it comes to out-of-pocket prescription drug costs.
The Urgent Need to Address Urology Health

The shortage of nursing assistants is having dire consequences for older adults. Millions of patients are going without the support they need to prepare meals, organize medications and run errands. They also may be lacking support to get safely to the bathroom or change undergarments and bedding during times of incontinence.
New Federal Policy Could Limit Non-Opioid Pain Treatments
Treating pain without opioids has become possible for many patients through novel drugs approved by a regulatory process called 505(b)(2). Now, access to these treatments is in jeopardy.
Does Telehealth Work for Mental Health?
By Jeremy Schrieber, MSN, PMHNP-BC
Patients living with mental health conditions can be ambivalent about taking medication. So, when an event like COVID-19 disrupts their care, I worry.
What Will It Take to Increase Maternal Vaccination Rates?

Maternal vaccines can protect pregnant moms and vulnerable babies. So why aren’t more women getting them?
A Second Chance for People with Headache Disorders
Headaches are just an excuse to avoid everyday responsibilities, society sometimes tells us, certainly not a “real” medical problem. My years of treating patients prove this stereotype utterly inaccurate.
Insurers Push for Cheaper, Untested Eye Treatment
Injecting a syringe of an unapproved treatment into a patient’s eyeball would be a nightmare scenario for most ophthalmologists. But that is what many major insurance companies are now suggesting doctors do.
A Better Way to Relieve Pain

Nearly six in 10 adults are living in pain, according to new data. But balanced pain management could be the key to helping many of them find relief.
The Path Forward is Paved with Vaccines
As summer wanes, so does optimism about returning to pre-pandemic “normal” life.