How Men Can Grapple with Gout

The father of medicine, Hippocrates, did not know that uric acid causes inflammatory arthritis in the joints known as gout. But even 2,500 years ago, before the disease had a name, he noted men’s particular vulnerability to the disease.
How Employers Can Invest in Healthier Employees

There’s no better time than the present to invest in one’s health. But everyone shouldn’t have to go at it alone.
Some States are Fighting Hepatitis C – and Winning

Across the country, state Medicaid programs are improving patients’ chances of being cured of hepatitis C. If more states follow suit, the deadly virus could be eliminated this decade.
Telemedicine Co-Pays Are Back. Now What?

As COVID-19 restrictions are lifted around the country, some health insurers are changing their tune on telemedicine.
Imagine the Future of Medicine Without Innovation
“Diagnose and adios.” The phrase was both a joke and a slight about neurology when I first entered the medical field in 1990.
No Room for Middlemen in the Doctor-Patient Relationship

Most people have never heard of pharmacy benefit managers, the businesses that negotiate prescription drug coverage for health insurers. But they could play an outsized – and unwelcome – role in treatment decisions.
Can Telehealth Make Pregnancy and Birth Safer?

It’s perhaps the oldest partnership in health care – safeguarding an expectant mother through pregnancy, assisting with the miracle of birth, and caring for the new mother and infant afterward.
Gout Awareness Day 2021: More Knowledge, Better Life

Many people have heard of gout. They may even know that it’s a form of inflammatory arthritis that usually attacks joints. But it’s doubtful they know that 9 million Americans suffer from it. Or how painful and debilitating attacks can be.
How Smart Public Policies Can Curb Hepatitis C

The coronavirus pandemic proved that the public health response to a large-scale crisis can literally mean the difference between life and death. That lesson can now be applied to a different public health issue – hepatitis C.
How Biologics Transformed Care for MS Patients
For 20 years there wasn’t a single medication I could prescribe to help my patients overcome multiple sclerosis, a disease that gradually robbed them of their strength, vision, coordination, and also memory and thinking abilities.