What the COVID-19 Stimulus Package Offers Patients & Providers

Newly signed into law, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act is a $2 trillion aid package aimed at shoring up America’s health care system and providing relief to those harmed by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Heart Patients, Keep Trying
New medications are expanding the toolbox for health care providers like me to treat patients with high cholesterol. That gives more than 100 million at-risk Americans a better shot at effective, patient-centered care.
Capping Insulin Co-pays Could Help Fight COVID-19

I have been a doctor for 35 years and I have seen a lot of crises. But I have never seen the country’s health care resources strained the way they are right now.
Clinical Trials in the Time of Coronavirus

The COVID-19 outbreak has triggered new rounds of clinical trials to identify treatments for the coronavirus.
Dry Eye Disease Deserves Patient-Centered Care

The verdict is in: personalized, patient-centered care is better care. That’s especially true when it comes to dry eye disease.
What COVID-19 Means for Surprise Billing

The last thing anyone impacted by COVID-19 needs is an unexpected medical bill. Yet health insurance industry experts say that likely will happen to some patients.
For Preemie Parents, COVID-19 Anxiety Feels Familiar
A bottle of Purell sits on a table inside my front door. If I had guests, I would ask them to use it.
Diagnosis and Treatment Challenges Strain Amyloidosis Patients

All patients have a story about how they began experiencing symptoms, saw their doctor and came to a diagnosis.
Uniting in the Fight against Brain Illness

The number of people with Parkinson’s disease doubled from 1990 to 2015 – and is expected to double again over the next 20 years. The disease’s growing prevalence underscores why increased awareness and research for brain illness remain critical.
Crisis of Confidence: My Struggle with Thyroid Eye Disease

I know a thing or two about rebuilding lost confidence.