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An Answer to Wasteful Health Care Spending

The Alliance for Patient Access has an answer to Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.)’s request for ideas on reducing health care spending: Hold the physician-patient relationship above wasted expense.  

Rare Disease Day: Why All Forms of Care Matter

Each year, on the last day of February, Rare Disease Day is celebrated across the globe to raise awareness for those who suffer from complex illnesses. This day is meant to highlight diseases that people continue to fight every day and to promote advancements that are being made to find cures.

“I’m Calling about Paul”

Paul has been coming to our dermatology office for years.  He has painful psoriasis; after years of trying different medications he finally found one that controls his symptoms.  Then Paul changed insurance companies in the middle of his treatment.

Movement Disorders Patients Need Medicare’s 6 Protected Classes Intact

Add movement disorders patients to the long list of people whose health could suffer under the Trump administration’s proposal to loosen Medicare protections on six classes of medications for high-risk diseases. In current practice, Medicare prescription drug plans must cover all (or “substantially all”) drugs in six classes.  These include drugs for life-threatening conditions such […]