AfPA-IfPA Health Policy Leadership Retreat
What’s the value of a trusting relationship with a good doctor? A life-altering medication? Choices among medical treatments?
Illinois, Ohio Expand Access to Hepatitis C Cures

The long wait is over for Illinois Medicaid patients with hepatitis C.
Capitol Hill Event Spotlights Step Therapy
Devastating. Awful. Miserable. That’s how patients and advocates described step therapy during a recent Derma Care Access Network policy panel on Capitol Hill.
Congressional Diabetes Caucus Confronts Insulin Affordability

A new white paper from the Congressional Diabetes Caucus reinforces what patients and advocates know all too well — the insulin pricing system is too complicated, the negotiations are too secretive and the cost for patients is too high.
It’s Time to Supercharge Caregiving

Making appointments and paying bills for a parent with Alzheimer’s. Managing medicines for a child with cystic fibrosis. Grocery shopping for a neighbor with Parkinson’s. All of these are forms of caregiving. And during National Family Caregivers Month this November, Caregiver Action Network is calling on caregivers to “supercharge” these functions through technology.
Worth It?
What’s the value of a trusting relationship with a good doctor? A life-altering medication? Choices among medical treatments? These and other thorny questions took center stage at the Alliance for Patient Access and Institute for Patient Access’ first-ever leadership retreat, held last week in San Diego.
“Well Beyond Blue” Meeting Allows Patients to Voice Perspective

An upcoming meeting will give people with movement disorders a chance to tell Food and Drug Administration regulators their story – the story of their physical symptoms as well as their emotional ones.
Infant Health Summit Highlights Need for Access, Nutrition & Safety
Advocates cannot reach every infant or every family, acknowledged National Coalition for Infant Health Medical Director Mitchell Goldstein, MD, as he welcomed attendees to the fourth annual infant health policy summit on Thursday.
What Price Reductions for Cholesterol-lowering Medications Mean for Patients

Patient advocates across the country cheered this week as news spread about a decrease in the list price of evolocumab.
Poll: Parents Lack Awareness of Deadly RSV Virus

Parents of young children lack knowledge about a potentially deadly seasonal virus, a new survey from the National Coalition for Infant Health reveals.