Rare Disease Day Spotlights Need for Research

Rare Disease Day brings international attention to the plight of patients who struggle with ALS, Gaucher disease, cystic fibrosis and other less common conditions. This year’s theme is research, a challenge for any disease state but especially for conditions with small patient populations.
New Cystic Fibrosis Group Weighs in on Obamacare Revamp

As Congress continues to debate the future of the Affordable Care Act, a new advocacy group has a message for key legislators: protect cystic fibrosis patients as you reshape health care policy.
Does ICER’s Model Work for Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatments?

The Institute for Clinical and Economic Review’s newest cost-effectiveness report underscores just how far economic modeling sometimes diverges from patients’ reality, explained the Institute for Patient Access in a February 17 letter. The report analyzes rheumatoid arthritis treatments’ value by modeling expenses for simulated patients over a lifetime on certain treatments.
Fewer Treatment Choices and Higher Costs Plague Diabetes Patients

Access to medication has become an all-too-common challenge for patients with one of the country’s most common diseases: diabetes.
Trials Data Strengthens Patients’ Demands for Breakthrough Cholesterol Meds

New data on PCSK9 inhibitors is in – and it may bolster patients’ demands for the breakthrough cholesterol drugs in the face of health plan coverage barriers.
Why Impact & Cost of Chronic Migraine Comorbidities Justify “Whole-Person” Care

Chronic migraine is seldom a lone condition, explains a new white paper from the Headache & Migraine Policy Forum.
Rising Cancer Survivorship Brings New Policy Challenges
More patients are living longer with cancer – and that’s good news. But some face policies, health care providers and workplaces that are unprepared to support survivors. So explained a February webinar, “Global Cancer Survivorship: The Need for Integrative Care,” sponsored by Bristol-Myers Squibb.
Medical Groups Propose 21 Principles for Prior Authorization Reform
The American Medical Association and 16 patient, physician, hospital and pharmacy groups have issued a resounding message to health plans: it’s time to reform prior authorizations. In a new principles document, the group calls for data-driven policies that don’t disrupt patient care or unduly burden physicians and their staff.
Government Nutrition Advice Gives Mixed Message to Pregnant Women

Eating fish offers pregnant women nutritional benefits for both themselves and their developing babies. But, looking at newly published advice from the Food and Drug Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency, you might miss that fact.
The Obama Administration’s Final Say on Opioids

This month’s change in presidential administrations prompted some final words – and policy – from federal agencies on the subject of opioids.