There’s no way to address America’s prescription drug abuse crisis without balanced pain management, explained the National Institutes of Health’s Linda Porter, PhD, at Tuesday’s Summit on Balanced Pain Management.
f policymakers get it right, biosimilars could offer more safe and effective treatment options for patients in the coming years – potentially at lower costs.
Summit on Balanced Pain Management Tackles Access and Education Issues

There’s no way to address America’s prescription drug abuse crisis without balanced pain management, explained the National Institutes of Health’s Linda Porter, PhD, at Tuesday’s Summit on Balanced Pain Management.
Tennessee Poll Shows Impact of Non-Medical Switching
Polling results from Tennessee cast new light on a trend that’s sparking national concerns: non-medical switching.
“Accessing Cholesterol Treatments” is No Simple Task, Explains New Video

On the heels of recent research confirming breakthrough drugs’ impact on patients with high cholesterol, the Partnership to Advance Cardiovascular Health has released a quick-draw video exploring obstacles for patient access.
The Wait Continues for Medicaid Patients with Hepatitis C

Despite being cautioned last year by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, many states still block patients with hepatitis C from receiving curative treatment.
Will New Evidence on PCSK9 Inhibitors Improve Patient Access?
For patients with extremely high cholesterol, the promise of new PCSK9 inhibitors just keeps growing.
COPD Awareness Month Spotlights Screening, Access Woes

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, often exists undiagnosed and goes undertreated.
Physicians Align on Meaningful Biosimilar Suffixes

The Food and Drug Administration may not have reached consensus on the suffixes that distinguish biological and biosimilar medications, but physicians are of one mind: Meaningful suffixes matter.
IfPA White Paper Identifies Barriers to Cardiovascular Treatments

Cardiovascular disease cuts across ethnicities and demographics as the leading cause of death in the United States, explains a new white paper from the Institute for Patient Access.
RSV Season Takes Toll on Preterm Infants and Senior Citizens
One month into the Respiratory Syncytial Virus season, data shows that the disease is taking its toll. RSV is a contagious seasonal virus that causes respiratory infections and can prove deadly for vulnerable preterm infants and senior citizens.