New Zika Findings Heighten Worries, Underscore Policy Challenges
Research recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine confirms the mosquito-borne Zika virus’ danger for pregnant women.
VA Expands Veterans’ Access to Hepatitis C Cures
Treatment options for U.S. veterans battling hepatitis C just got better.
Precision Medicine Initiative Raises Hopes for Personalized Medicine
The first anniversary of the White House’s Precision Medicine Initiative gave participants time to reflect on the year’s progress – and contemplate the challenges ahead.
Federal Government Emphasizes Postpartum Depression Screening, Treatment
A recommendation from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force is bringing new attention to postpartum depression and its treatment.
National Governors Association Undertakes Opioid Guidelines
Broad and bipartisan concern about the nation’s opioid abuse epidemic has led the National Governors Association (NGA) to contemplate guidelines of its own.
Patients Take Fight for Hepatitis C Cures to the Courts
Patients who battle both hepatitis C and a health plan that denies coverage for the cure have a new recourse: legal action.
FDA Advisory Committee’s Infliximab Vote Raises Patient Safety Concerns
The Food and Drug Administration could soon approve a complex biosimilar to treat eight disease states and patient groups – even though clinical testing data has been submitted for only two.
Obama Budget Tackles Opioid Addiction but Overlooks Prevention
President Barack Obama’s 2017 fiscal year budget reflects the White House’s growing concerns about the abuse and misuse of opioids.
New AfPA Video Explains Non-Medical Switching

Patients with chronic or serious medical conditions must sometimes work with physicians for months to identify a medication that’s effective for them. But as a new video from the Alliance for Patient Access explains, patients may discover that this trial-and-error process was in vain.
Lawmakers Air Concerns about CMS Billing Codes for Biosimilars
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ billing code system for biosimilars earned it a “D-” grade at the House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee’s February 4 hearing on biologics.