Biosimilars Panel Highlights Need for Patience, Transparency

A Politico Pro-Health panel on biosimilars invited straight talk from FDA Director Janet Woodcock, MD, who acknowledged the need for a safe, incremental approach to adopting biosimilar medications.
Congress Unanimously Passes “Protecting Our Infants Act”
After passing the U.S. Senate and House unanimously, a bill that could help newborns exposed to opioids in their mothers’ wombs now awaits the president’s signature.
EU Advocacy Groups Call for Awareness, Education to Address Widespread Stigma
Patients living with pain increasingly face an added dimension to their condition: stigma.
New AfPA Video Outlines “What Physicians Need to Know to Safely Prescribe Biosimilars”
Much more than simply a sticker on a medicine bottle, drug labels – or “prescribing information”—provide physicians with crucial information about medical therapies.
Prematurity Awareness Month, RSV Season Bring Preemie Issues to the Forefront
Prematurity Awareness Month kicked off this November with a “C” grade for the United States from the 2015 March of Dimes Premature Birth Report Card.
CMS Notice Urges Access to Hepatitis C Cures for Medicaid Patients
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has a message for state Medicaid programs: coverage policies cannot block hepatitis C patients’ access to “effective, clinically appropriate and medically necessary treatments.”
HHS’ Proposed Non-discrimination Rule Leaves Chronic Disease Patients in the Lurch
Patients battling chronic disease may find little consolation in the Department of Health and Human Services’ newly proposed rule on non-discrimination under the Affordable Care Act.
Rx Cost Debate Overlooks Patient Access Issues
Widespread debate erupted several weeks ago when a pharmaceutical start-up bought and raised the price of a 60-year-old drug by 5,000 percent.
New Clues, Same Access Challenges for Alzheimer’s Patients
Recent research has yielded new clues about the early indicators of Alzheimer’s disease, raising hopes for breakthrough treatments to slow the degenerative disease.
NCCN Value Tool Overlooks Key Access Factors
The National Comprehensive Cancer Network has become the latest organization to offer a tool for evaluating cancer treatments based on price and effectiveness.