Oral Parity Gains Bipartisan Support with New Bill
With new legislation on oral parity in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, disparity in insurance coverage between infusion and oral chemotherapy may soon be a problem of the past.
“Pill Mill” Crackdowns Create New Pain for Patients
Crackdowns on so-called pill mills – pain management centers where financially motivated physicians over prescribe opioid pain medications – are designed to reduce abuse and overdoses.
New Bill Reduces Rx Cost-sharing Burden for Seniors
Seniors who depend upon high-cost medications may soon have a better shot at affording them.
New Research Counters American Academy of Pediatrics’ Restrictions on RSV Prophylaxis
For preemies facing respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), risk factors matter – and gestational age alone cannot determine whether infants need preventative treatment.
California Takes Bold Steps to Improve Patient Access, Safety
The Golden State is making bold strides toward improving health care access and safety for its citizens. Earlier this month, California’s state health care exchange announced a cap on out-of-pocket costs for prescription medications.
Switching Infusion Rx to Pharmacy Benefit May Limit Patient Access
Insurers have a new strategy for reducing the costs of injectable and intravenous prescription drugs: switching these medication from patients’ medical benefit to their prescription drug coverage.
Connecticut Takes Pro-access Stance on Hepatitis C Cures
While states across the country grapple with the Medicaid population’s need for costly hepatitis C cures, Connecticut has taken a bold stand for patient access.
Capitol Hill Panel Explores Need for Transparency with Biosimilar Medicines
Though newly finalized guidance from the FDA has provided some clarity on biosimilarity, crucial questions about the regulation of biosimilars remain unanswered.
AfPA Video Explains “How to Safely, Effectively Substitute Biological Medicines”
When it comes to sophisticated and powerful medications like biologics, the details matter.
Rx Opioid Overdoses Decrease, Driven by Abuse-deterrent Technology
Opioid pain pill overdoses have dropped significantly, and abuse-deterrent technology may be part of the reason why, says a new study.