One-Size-Fits-All Cancer Care? Oncology Consolidation and Patient Access

Increasingly, I see cancer care shifting from private or small, community-based practices to larger practices or more urban hospital centers.
Rare Disease Day Spurs Awareness

As Rare Disease Day nears, patients, their families and the organizations that represent them are fighting for greater awareness of the conditions they face.
AfPA Welcomes the National Premature Infant Health Coalition
This month the Alliance for Patient Access takes on a new project dedicated to health care access for infants, the National Premature Infant Health Coalition.
Exchange Open Enrollment Ends, But Rx Access Concerns Linger
Open enrollment at ended February 15, initiating the program’s second year of offering health insurance to Americans.
States Debate Rules for Biosimilar Swaps
First filgrastim, now infliximab.
Will America’s $133M Opioid Abuse Solution Overlook Patients?
President Obama’s 2016 fiscal year budget throws big money at one of America’s biggest public health challenges: opioid abuse.
Exchange Plans’ Cost-sharing Confuses, Burdens Patients

Patients with federal exchange health care plans may not fully understand the extent of their out-of-pocket cost obligations, a new study shows.
Europe and Australia Reshuffle on Generics, Biosimilars
Europe and Australia are reassessing, recalling and reflecting on biosimilars and generic medications.
State Policies Tackle Patient Access, Safety

As state legislatures gear up for the new year, several have introduced legislation aimed at accessible, safe medications.
21st Century Cures’ Legislative Goals: Clinical Trials Improvements, Regulatory Modernization

This week the House Energy and Commerce Committee released a formal ideas statement to spur legislative action on its 21st Century Cures initiative.