Rural Telehealth: Closing Gaps, Opening Doors

For those with access, telehealth may be the most important force multiplier in American health care today. But for the 57 million people living in rural America, the technology could further inequality.
Expanding the Arsenal for Asthma Patients
By James M. Tracy, DO – With every new treatment option, physicians have a better chance of getting it right for each individual patient.
Mental Health Crisis Will Outlast the Pandemic

While Americans may be ready to put COVID-19 in the rear view, new data show the mental health effects of the pandemic will be around for years to come.
A Rare Disease Captures the World’s Attention

A rare but devastating disease is finally getting its due. With the designation of a World Amyloidosis Day, the advocacy community makes an important move toward greater awareness.
Pandemic Rocked Cystic Fibrosis Patients’ Economic Stability

During the pandemic, people with cystic fibrosis weren’t just fighting their disease. Many were also fighting economic uncertainty.
Pregnant Women Urged to Get COVID-19 Vaccine

Public health officials are urging pregnant and breastfeeding moms to get the COVID-19 vaccine – and soon.
Improving Patients’ Access to Affordable Generic Drugs

Congress will soon have the chance to make generic drugs, including complex generics, more accessible and affordable for Americans.
Parents: RSV is Still Around, Trust Me
By Gloria Wai Chung Li, MD – In June of this year, at age two, my daughter, Aria, was sent home from daycare with a high fever.
Mental Health Care Deserves a Fair Shake

One in five adults in the U.S. suffer from a mental health condition, yet only about half of those needing treatment receive care. What’s keeping so many people from treatment?
Stepping Up the Fight Against Infant and Maternal Mortality
Among the world’s developed countries, the United States holds the unwanted distinction of being a leader in maternal and infant deaths. In an attempt to turn the tide, the federal government last month announced a new $350 million investment.