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Tens of millions of Americans suffer from urological disorders. New treatments offer patients options for personalized care, but policy barriers and outdated bureaucracy stand in the way.

A new white paper from the Alliance for Patient Access’ Urology Initiative spotlights these barriers and explores how reforms could improve urological care.

Insurance Coverage Policies Fail Patients and Providers

Insurers’ practices, the paper explains, often prioritize corporate profits over patients’ needs. By denying treatments that best fit patients’ needs, these policies can prove outright harmful.

Reform Might Offer Relief

The paper also highlights avenues for reform.

As the U.S. population ages, the number of people living with urological conditions will also increase. The need to address insurer practices that delay treatment progress, distract providers and undermine the patient-provider relationship, the paper explains, is significant.

Learn how urology care in the United States can be made more patient-centered by reading “The Need for Patient-centered Care in American Urology.”

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