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Vaccines and Preventive Monoclonal Antibodies

Vaccines and preventive monoclonal antibodies are two different types of immunization. While they function differently, they both serve the same purpose: protecting people from serious illnesses and diseases. View One-Pager

Accelerated Approval

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s standard approval process for new drugs delivers patients the safest, most advanced medications in the world.

Eliminating Hepatitis C in America

Hepatitis C is a paradox of American health care. The medical community has never been better equipped to diagnose, cure and prevent this potentially fatal liver disease.

How to Deal with an Insurance Denial

Shared decision-making and a trusted physician-patient relationship are cornerstones of patient-centered care. Sometimes, however, health insurers can disrupt care by delaying or denying access to physician-prescribed medications. Patients can appeal their insurance company’s denial. They also have options when those appeals don’t resolve the problem. Every state oversees health plans and can act as a […]

5 Principles of Good Insurance Coverage for Heart Patients

About 655,000 Americans die from heart disease each year — that’s one in every four deaths. But when health plan coverage empowers people to be proactive about their heart health, everyone benefits – patients, families, communities, workplaces and the health care system at large. Optimal insurance coverage meets at least five important criteria. Read Guide

Fast Facts: Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation

The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services oversees the policy and benefits administration for the roughly one in three Americanswho are insured through Medicare and Medicaid. Over the years, the agency has explored ways to improve by optimizing patient care whileconserving costs. In 2010, that effort was formalized with the creation of the Center for […]

Fast Facts: Reference Pricing

Health care costs weigh heavy on the minds – and budgets – of many Americans. In recent years, policymakers have explored ways to reduce health care spending, looking specifically at prescription drug costs. This “Fast Facts” examines one approach that has generated much debate: reference pricing. Read Fast Facts

Clinical Diagnosis Guidelines for Transthyretin Amyloidosis

Amyloidosis is a rare disease caused by a buildup of abnormal proteins in the body’s organs and tissue. Diagnosing amyloidosis can be difficult because symptoms often seem unrelated. In fact, an amyloidosis diagnosis is generally delayed three to four years. The disease is also frequently misdiagnosed. Read Fast Facts