Connecticut Takes Pro-access Stance on Hepatitis C Cures
While states across the country grapple with the Medicaid population’s need for costly hepatitis C cures, Connecticut has taken a bold stand for patient access.
Hepatitis Testing Bill Helps Patients Fight “Silent Killer”
Recently introduced federal legislation sets out to fight one of the nation’s “silent killers:” hepatitis.
As Cost Debate Persists, Hepatitis C Patients Go Untreated
Expensive new therapies to cure hepatitis C are racking up big bills for Medicare and state Medicaid programs.
Co-infected Hepatitis C Patients Find New Options, New Obstacles
Patients co-infected with hepatitis C and HIV may have newfound hope. Clinical trial results presented at the 2015 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections show that a new combination pill worked for co-infected patients of certain genotypes 96 percent of the time.
Curing Hepatitis C: A High-cost, High-value Proposition
A promising new class of therapies could reduce hepatitis C, now rampant, to a rare disease in the coming years.