The Value of Innovation Policy Forum in Five Quotes

What is medical innovation worth? To explore this question, the Institute for Patient Access recently convened health policy and patient advocacy professionals for the Value of Innovation Policy Forum in Washington, D.C.
Value of Innovation Policy Forum
On April 28, 2022, the Institute for Patient Access for a policy forum on the value of innovation. The event featured Keynote Speaker David Heath, author of Longshot: The Inside Story of the Race for a COVID-19 Vaccine. Discussion topics included: Developing medical breakthroughs in Alzheimer’s disease COVID-19 vaccine development Policies that encourage innovation Read the event […]
Prescription Digital Therapeutics Emerge as Health Care’s Newest Frontier

Health care technology today is advancing as rapidly as any Silicon Valley startup.
Lacks’ Law Pursues Diversity in Cancer Clinical Trials

As the nation prepared for the 46th presidential inauguration, a piece of legislation that could help solve a major problem in clinical research was quietly signed into law.
COVID-19 Puts Hope on Hold for Rare Disease Patients

The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted nearly every facet of health care.
How COVID-19 Could Change Clinical Trials
COVID-19 has brought many clinical trials to a near standstill unlike most clinical researchers have seen before.
Will COVID-19 Boost Clinical Trials Awareness?
This year’s Clinical Trials Awareness Week falls squarely in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Cures 2.0 Takes Off

The novel coronavirus may be propelling Cures 2.0 efforts to the forefront.
Clinical Trials in the Time of Coronavirus

The COVID-19 outbreak has triggered new rounds of clinical trials to identify treatments for the coronavirus.
Policymakers Prep for “Cures 2.0”

Reps. Diana DeGette and Fred Upton, who authored the 21st Century Cures Act in 2016, announced last year their intention to update the bill in 2020.