GAfPA Examines How Improving Drug Donations Can Boost Patient Access
International prescription drug donation programs make a difference, explains a new white paper from the Global Alliance for Patient Access. But they could work even better.
Federal Organ Donation Campaign Offers Model for Clinical Trials Awareness Effort, Says New White Paper

The federal government’s 1990s “Share your life. Share your decision.” awareness campaign capitalized on endorsements from the likes of Michael Jordan to increase organ donor registrations nationwide.
21st Century Cures Initiative Could Boost Clinical Trials Enrollment
It’s Clinical Trials Awareness Week. And as patients, health care providers, researchers and industry promote the value of clinical trials participation, one coalition is asking the federal government to help solve clinical trials’ chronic under-enrollment.
Dormant Therapies’ Hidden Promise for Patients
The innovative therapies that some patients need already exist – but have been shelved by companies because they take too long and cost too much to develop.
BIOtechNOW Spotlights the Coalition for Clinical Trials Awareness
In a new BIOtechNOW blog post, Coalition for Clinical Trials Awareness (CCTA) steering committee members explain how stalled clinical trials stifle patients’ hope for breakthrough medicines.
Panel Explores Value, Challenges of Clinical Trial Participation
Participating in a clinical trial offers patients unprecedented access to investigative treatments – and an unparalleled opportunity to give back to society.
“21st Century Cures” Require Improved Trials Process
Innovation, data sharing and public-private partnerships could help modernize clinical trials, agreed witnesses at Wednesday’s “21st Century Cures” hearing by the House Energy and Commerce Committee Health Subcommittee.