New Insurance Strategy Pits Patients Against Their Pocketbooks

Which would you choose – $500 or the medication that effectively manages your condition? It’s a tough choice, but one that patients across the country now face.
Time to End Insurer-Driven Rx Switches
For too long, patients have been getting bumped off their physician-prescribed medication in favor of a different medication – one preferred by their insurance company.
More Data, More Non-Medical Switching for Patients in Maine

Insurers continue to manipulate their formularies to boost profits, new data from Maine suggest.
New Data Quantify Prevalence, Cost of Non-Medical Switching

A new report out of Maine paints a daunting picture of non-medical switching – and how it affects patients.
A Study of the Qualitative Impact of Non-Medical Switching

The story has become a familiar one. A patient with a chronic condition works with his or her doctor to find the right treatment. The condition is stabilized, manageable.
Study: Non-Medical Switching Reduces Quality of Life for Patients

Health plans’ attempts to cut costs can wreak havoc on patients’ lives, new research makes clear.
Poll: Voters Want Policy that Limits Non-Medical Switching

Voters want limits on non-medical switching – and they’re looking to legislators for policy solutions.
Illinois Joins Maine in Limiting Non-Medical Switching

What do Maine and Illinois have in common? Legislators in both states are heeding patients’ concerns about non-medical switching this year.
Maine Delivers Patient Victory on Non-Medical Switching

In a week already marked by fireworks and parades, patients in Maine have one more thing to celebrate. A new state law draws clear lines about non-medical switching, protecting chronic disease patients who want to stick with the doctor-prescribed medicine that keeps them stable.
Cost-Motivated Treatment Changes in Commercial Claims: Implications for Non-Medical Switching

Health benefits designs in both private and public health insurance programs include mechanisms to control the costs of care, resulting in many health care choices being made with a focus on financial concerns that could outweigh clinical factors. This can particularly be true for interventions involving prescription drugs and biologics. In some cases, choice of […]