Oncologists Call for Clinical Pathways Reform
A tool designed to deliver cost-effective, quality cancer care needs reform, announced the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) in a January policy statement.
Prostate Cancer: As Screening Dips, Concerns Rise
Fewer men are being diagnosed with prostate cancer, new data shows—perhaps because fewer are being screened.
IfPA Releases New Policy Brief: “Improving Patient Access to Immuno-Oncology Therapies”
Immuno-oncology therapies engage the body’s immune system in fighting off cancer, offering some patients unprecedented results.
Cancer Awareness Months Highlight Progress, Challenges
This month advocates, patients and their families reflect on the toll cancer takes, the progress that new treatment options offer and the obstacles that too many patients still face.
Cancer Patients’ Cost Burden Fuels Continued Debate
Rising costs have brought public debate on patient access to cancer medications to a head.
Oral Parity Gains Bipartisan Support with New Bill
With new legislation on oral parity in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, disparity in insurance coverage between infusion and oral chemotherapy may soon be a problem of the past.
AfPA Video Navigates Clinical Pathways’ Effect on Personalized Care
Will cost-focused clinical pathways derail personalized health care? A newly released video from the Alliance for Patient Access explores this question by considering how clinical pathways affect patients, their care regimen and their relationship with their health care providers.
Will New Medicare Payment Model Hurt Individualized Cancer Care?
A new oncology payment model rewards “value of care, not volume” says the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
One-Size-Fits-All Cancer Care? Oncology Consolidation and Patient Access

Increasingly, I see cancer care shifting from private or small, community-based practices to larger practices or more urban hospital centers.
AfPA Releases “Protecting Cancer Care” Video
Even the gravity of a life-threatening illness may not ensure cancer patients’ access to vital medications, AfPA’s recently released policy video explains.