Texans Speak Out on Prior Authorization

In a statewide survey conducted by the Texas Medical Association, people reported that health plans’ practice of requiring approval before covering prescribed drugs and tests was undermining patient care.
Physicians’ Prior Authorization Plea

America’s health care providers have a clear message for Medicare administrators: It’s time to fix prior authorization.
Aetna Debacle Deepens Skepticism about Coverage Decisions

Think an informed medical expert is making the coverage decisions at your health insurance company? You might think again.
Health Plan Approval Process Impacts Patients, New Video Explains

What began as a safeguard against unnecessary drug spending has become a significant barrier to patient access. And as “Understanding Prior Authorization,” a new video from the Alliance for Patient Access, explains, the process may cut costs at patients’ expense.
Why Patients with Skin Conditions Can’t Get Treated

Tens of millions of people across the United States are affected by skin conditions, but not all of them can access the doctors and medications they need. So explains a new white paper from the Derma Care Access Network, an advocacy group that encourages informed policy on access to dermatological care.