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by Amanda Conschafter, blog editor

Since 2013 a new series of medications has offered patients with hepatitis C something radical – a 90 to 99 percent cure rate. But, as a new video from the Alliance for Patient Access explains, high costs for these breakthrough medications have led government and private insurers to institute cost-savings measures that can impede access for patients.

Upfront Costs and Long-term Value

Hosted by AfPA Chairman David Charles, MD, “Improving Patient Access to Hepatitis C Cures” considers both the value and the cost of curative treatments for hepatitis C.

As the video notes, new hepatitis C cures are costly—but they can lower long-term expenses by reducing the need for late-state disease treatments such as liver transplants, which can cost more than $500,000. To control short-term costs, however, state Medicaid systems and some insurers have developed coverage rules that complicate patients’ access to hepatitis C cures.

Patient Access Challenges

Working Toward a Solution

Society would benefit from as many patients with hepatitis C as possible having access to curative treatments. But states, insurances companies, and employers simply cannot afford to treat everyone. Thus, the video explains, policymakers should consider several key factors:

To learn more, watch “Improving Patient Access to Hepatitis C Cures.”

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