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Best of Summer 2017

Vacation season?  Perhaps.  But summer hasn’t slowed the Institute for Patient Access’ steady stream of physician-led insight on policy issues that matter to patients and their health care providers.

Non-Medical Switching May Increase Health Care Costs, New Study Finds

Opting for cheaper prescription drugs seems like an obvious way to cut health care costs.  The assumption has led health plans to employ utilization management techniques with increasing frequency in recent years.  And it’s given rise to a newer phenomenon known as “non-medical switching,” where health plans exclude a drug from coverage or increase patients’ out-of-pocket burden in hopes of persuading patients to take a less expensive drug.

New “Fast Facts” Examines Issue of Co-Pay Coupons

Are coupons that help patients afford their co-pays a help – or a hindrance – in the age of innovative but costly prescription medications?  A new “Co-Pay Coupons” Fast Facts from the Institute for Patient Access explores why coupons and co-pay assistance programs remain a source of debate – and how they impact patients’ ability to access the medication their doctor prescribes.