How Employers Can Invest in Healthier Employees

There’s no better time than the present to invest in one’s health. But everyone shouldn’t have to go at it alone.
How ICER Underestimates High Cholesterol

The Institute for Clinical and Economic Review claims that new medications for high cholesterol aren’t worth their cost. The economists overlook the needs of high-risk patients – and underestimate the impact of high cholesterol. View Graphic
Cardiovascular Advocates Elevate Global Call to Action
Reaching consensus is a challenge for any community, and the global health care community is no exception.
Cardiovascular Deaths Skyrocket During COVID-19
The coronavirus is killing Americans, but not only in the ways that people expect.
Hurricane COVID
The toll of COVID-19 has hit the black community with the power of a hurricane.
Heart Patients, Keep Trying
New medications are expanding the toolbox for health care providers like me to treat patients with high cholesterol. That gives more than 100 million at-risk Americans a better shot at effective, patient-centered care.
Congress Stands Up for Heart Patients

In a recent letter to CMS, Rep. Joyce Beatty and Rep. Christopher Smith called for more affordable access to PCSK9 inhibitors for seniors.
When Lower Drug Prices Aren’t Enough
What happens when lower drug prices don’t make medicine more accessible for patients? Heart patients covered by Medicare Part D are about to find out.
A Tale of Two Drug Codes

Two isn’t always better than one. Just ask patients caught in the confusion of two national drug codes for the same cholesterol-lowering medicine.
Medicare Move Could Improve Treatment Access for Heart Patients

A recent Trump administration decision nudges health plans to do right by patients who struggle with high LDL, or “bad,” cholesterol.