Respiratory Syncytial Virus Takes a Toll on Families

A cough, a wheeze, a sniffle. For an infant or young child, these symptoms may mark the beginning of a virus that places a huge burden on their families and their health for years to come.
It Was Worse Than Open-Heart Surgery

After my infant son had open-heart surgery, I thought we’d been through the worst experience of our lives. Then he got RSV.
When a Small Cry is Worth It
No parent wants to see their child wince in pain or hear their baby cry. Yet enduring the undesirable for just a minute – as the child is vaccinated – can save heartache down the road.
Alleviating the Burden of RSV for Infants and Children

Infants and young children are particularly susceptible to RSV, a serious respiratory virus. But new preventive measures are on the horizon and making these interventions accessible for all infants should be a priority.
Knocking Down Pneumococcal Disease

Infants and children may soon have another line of protection against potentially life-threatening infections. Protecting Against Pneumococcal Disease The Food and Drug Administration recently gave priority review to a vaccine that can protect against invasive pneumocccal disease. The new vaccine is specifically targeted for children aged six weeks through 17 years. Pneumococcal bacteria spreads through […]
Addressing the Maternal Health Crisis: A Nationwide Call to Action

Why do pregnant women die in childbirth more often in the United States than in other developed countries? The answer is complex.
Federal Officials Weigh In on Infant Tubing Saga

More than four years after concerns were raised about certain hospital tubing devices, the Food and Drug Administration finally acknowledged their potential danger to infants.
Putting My Experience to Work to Reduce Prematurity
By Ashley Randolph – I don’t know what it’s like to deliver a term baby. But, like many other African American women, I know the frustrations and fears that come with prematurity.
Pregnant Women Urged to Get COVID-19 Vaccine

Public health officials are urging pregnant and breastfeeding moms to get the COVID-19 vaccine – and soon.
Parents: RSV is Still Around, Trust Me
By Gloria Wai Chung Li, MD – In June of this year, at age two, my daughter, Aria, was sent home from daycare with a high fever.