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Vaccine Access Initiative

Vaccine Initiative AfPA’s Vaccine Initiative is a network for policy-minded clinicians and advocacy partners who recognize adult immunization’s role in healthy aging and community health. Vaccine access helps to prevent more than 20 diseases and save 5 million lives each year, allowing adults to remain healthy, active and safe as they age. To learn more […]

Urology Initiative

Urology Initiative AfPA’s Urology Initiative is a network of policy-minded health care providers who advocate for patient-centered care. The Urology Initiative is a unique network for clinicians who treat conditions, like overactive bladder, and are interested in further shaping policies that support the clinician-patient relationship, limit abusive insurance policies, and empower patient and acknowledge their individual needs. To learn more, or to join AfPA’s […]

Respiratory Therapy Access Working Group

Respiratory Therapy Access Working Group AfPA’s Respiratory Therapy Access Working Group is a network of policy-minded health care providers who advocate for patient-centered care. By participating in advocacy initiatives and the development of educational resources, working group members ensure that the clinician’s perspective informs policy discussions that impact respiratory care. To learn more, or to join […]

Rare Diseases Working Group

Rare Diseases Working Group AfPA’s Rare Diseases Working Group is a network of policy-minded health care providers who advocate for patient-centered care. By participating in advocacy initiatives and the development of educational resources, working group members ensure that the clinician’s perspective informs policy discussions that impact health care for people living with a rare disease. […]

Oncology Therapy Access Working Group

Oncology Therapy Access Working Group AfPA’s Oncology Therapy Access Working Group is a network of policy-minded oncologists who advocate for patient-centered care. By participating in advocacy initiatives and the development of educational resources, working group members ensure that the clinician’s perspective informs policy discussions that impact health care for people with cancer. To learn more, […]

Obesity Initiative

Obesity Initiative AfPA’s Obesity Initiative is a network of policy-minded health care providers who advocate for patient-centered care. The Obesity Initiative is a unique network for clinicians who treat obesity and are interested in further shaping policies that support the clinician-patient relationship, limit abusive insurance policies, and empower patient and acknowledge their individual needs. To learn more, or to join AfPA’s Obesity Initiative, please […]

Neurological Disease Working Group

Neurological Disease Working Group AfPA’s Neurological Disease Working Group is a network of policy-minded health care providers who advocate for patient-centered care. By participating in advocacy initiatives and the development of educational resources, working group members ensure that the clinician’s perspective informs policy discussions that impact health care for people living with neurological diseases. To […]

Mental Health Working Group

Mental Health Working Group AfPA’s Mental Health Working Group is a network of policy-minded health care providers who advocate for patient-centered care. By participating in advocacy initiatives and the development of educational resources, working group members ensure that the clinician’s perspective informs policy discussions that impact health care for people living with mental health conditions. […]

Hepatitis Therapy Access Working Group

Hepatitis Therapy Access Working Group AfPA’s Hepatitis Therapy Access Working Group is a network of policy-minded health care providers who advocate for patient-centered care. By participating in advocacy initiatives and the development of educational resources, working group members ensure that the clinician’s perspective informs policy discussions that impact health care for people living with hepatitis. […]