Headache & Migraine Disease Working Group
Headache & Migraine Disease Working Group The Headache and Migraine Disease Working Group is a network of policy-minded health care providers who advocate for patient-centered care. By participating in advocacy initiatives and the development of educational resources, working group members ensure that the clinician’s perspective informs policy discussions that impact health care for people living […]
Diabetes Therapy Access Working Group
Diabetes Therapy Access Working Group The Diabetes Therapy Access Working Group is a network of policy-minded health care providers who advocate for patient-centered care. By participating in advocacy initiatives and the development of educational resources, working group members ensure that the clinician’s perspective informs policy discussions that impact health care for people living with diabetes. […]
Cardiovascular Disease Working Group
Cardiovascular Disease Working Group The Cardiovascular Disease Working Group is a network of policy-minded health care providers who advocate for patient-centered care. By participating in advocacy initiatives and the development of educational resources, working group members ensure that the clinician’s perspective informs policy discussions that impact cardiovascular health. To learn more, or to join AfPA’s […]
Biologic Therapy Access Working Group
Biologic Therapy Access Working Group The Biologic Therapy Access Working Group is a network of policy-minded health care providers who advocate for patient-centered care. By participating in advocacy initiatives and the development of educational resources, working group members ensure that the clinician’s perspective informs policy discussions on biologics and biosimilars. To learn more, or to […]
ICER Lowballs Critical Alzheimer’s Medications

ICER’s cost-effectiveness analysis doesn’t wholly depict
the value of new Alzheimer’s medications.
Comments on ICER’s Draft Evidence Report on Beta-Amyloid Antibodies for Early Alzheimer’s Disease
ICER released its draft evidence report on beta-amyloid antibodies for early Alzheimer’s disease.
Amplifying the Voices of Alzheimer’s: ICER Toolkit

Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia have long impacted families
and communities across the country. Today, about 6 million Americans live
with Alzheimer’s disease — a number that will more than double by 2050.
National Policy & Advocacy Summit on Biologics

The seventh annual National Policy & Advocacy Summit on Biologics brought together health care providers, policy experts, patient advocates and other stakeholders.
Infant Health Policy Summit
The eighth annual Infant Health Policy Summit welcomed health care providers, parents,policymakers, advocates and other stakeholders to explore how policy solutions canimprove the health and lives of infants and their families. This year’s event, held both in-person and virtually, examined issues such as: Click below to read the event report.
2022 Cardiovascular Health Policy Summit
The fifth annual Cardiovascular Health Policy Summit, held on June 9, welcomed policy
experts, patient advocates and health care providers to address patients’ pressing
needs and explore policy solutions that will improve the lives of Americans with
cardiovascular disease.