National Policy & Advocacy Summit on Biologics

The seventh annual National Policy & Advocacy Summit on Biologics brought together health care providers, policy experts, patient advocates and other stakeholders.
Infant Health Policy Summit
The eighth annual Infant Health Policy Summit welcomed health care providers, parents,policymakers, advocates and other stakeholders to explore how policy solutions canimprove the health and lives of infants and their families. This year’s event, held both in-person and virtually, examined issues such as: Click below to read the event report.
2022 Cardiovascular Health Policy Summit
The fifth annual Cardiovascular Health Policy Summit, held on June 9, welcomed policy
experts, patient advocates and health care providers to address patients’ pressing
needs and explore policy solutions that will improve the lives of Americans with
cardiovascular disease.
Value of Innovation Policy Forum
On April 28, 2022, the Institute for Patient Access for a policy forum on the value of innovation. The event featured Keynote Speaker David Heath, author of Longshot: The Inside Story of the Race for a COVID-19 Vaccine. Discussion topics included: Developing medical breakthroughs in Alzheimer’s disease COVID-19 vaccine development Policies that encourage innovation Read the event […]
National Policy & Advocacy Summit on Biologics

The sixth annual National Policy & Advocacy Summit on Biologics brought together healthcare providers, policy experts, patient advocates and other stakeholders. The event exploredhow sound public policies can facilitate the expanded use of biologics in patient-centeredcare. This year’s event, held virtually, examined issues such as: Innovation and rare disease Current federal and state policy considerations […]
Getting Telehealth Policy Right

Capping a year and a half of explosive growth in telehealth, “Getting Telehealth Policy Right” allowed experts, advocates, patients and providers to explore timely questions of policy, access and balance.
Infant Health Policy Summit

The sixth annual Infant Health Policy Summit welcomed health care providers, parents, policymakers, advocates and other stakeholders to explore how policy solutions can improve the health and lives of infants and their families.
Cardiovascular Health Policy Summit

The fourth annual Cardiovascular Health Policy Summit welcomed health care providers, policymakers, advocates and other stakeholders to explore how policy solutions can improve the health and lives of Americans living with cardiovascular disease.
Seventh Annual Summit on Balanced Pain Management

What if all patients had a pain management approach that allowed them to live full and productive lives?
National Policy & Advocacy Summit on Biologics
The fifth annual National Policy & Advocacy Summit on Biologics brought together health care providers, policy experts, patient advocates and other stakeholders. The event explored how sound public policies can facilitate the safe use of biologics in patient-centered care. This year’s event, held virtually, examined issues such as: What the 2020 election means for health […]